开机电脑提示please power down and connect the pcie power cable(s)for this graph



  最近有用户在开机时电脑提示“please power down and connect the pcie power cable(s) for this graphics card”,出现了这个问题不知道怎么解决呢,下面我们就此问题作出解释与解决方案。

开机电脑提示:please power down and connect the pcie power cable(s)for this graphice card?

  开机电脑提示:please power down and connect the pcie power cable(s)for this graphice card解决方法

  “please power down and connect the pcie power cable(s)for this graphice card”意思是:请关闭电源并连接此显卡的PCIe电源线

开机电脑提示:please power down and connect the pcie power cable(s)for this graphice card?


开机电脑提示:please power down and connect the pcie power cable(s)for this graphice card?


  插好电源以后,重新给主机接上电源,开机,就一切都好了,完美解决“please power down and connect the pcie power cable(s) for this graphics card”的问题,是不是特别简单,现在知道会一门外语的重要性了吧,同学们快去学习吧!